If Rolling over was ever a challenge this is it right hear ;-) Yet again two more Drona’s came up with a rock n rolling activity! What did we roll? A ball on thin sheets of paper...what did we rock ? Damn the kiddos always rock each and every challenge put forth by us! Credit goes out to Varun and Prashanth for coming up with the activities and Ganapathy for the buffer activities that filled in that little time which made a lot of smiles pop up.
ACTIVITIES - The theme was Team-building and Communication Skills.Our fellow dronas Varun,Ganapati and Prashanth came with very interesting group activities.The session began with a friendly 'Hi' to kids that is always reciprocated by priceless glees :D EEEEEE :D . The smiles on those innocent faces when we walk-in is our thorough motivation. The activity was "Dumb-C and Reverse Dumb-C". Our Dronas got into action soon to monitor what kids were upto noting the progress that they make week after week .The rules of the activity?Two kids each standing opposite to each other and they had to tell something and the kid standing opposite had to act.Dronas watching them could'nt help but notice the cricket fever that was soaring high :)
Moving on to our second activity.It was a team-building exercise for kids.Kids teamed up according to their 'houses'. Each team had to pass the ball through the pipes( made of newspapers) and reach the bucket. We had our next session where one kid from each team spoke whatever they wished.Their innocent wishes,dreams,goals and motivation was worth lending an ear.
We started our Learning Cycle(LC) after bidding good bye to kids.The topic was "Communication Gap and Miscommunication" .It was awesome session conducted by Aakif,Sangeetha and Jacob.The team played a video on which the discussion based upon. Prime motive of the discussion ? - Challenges expected while mentoring kids. Dronas came up with many solutions.Dronas makes a point that their 'Eklavayas' feel comfortable and their lives are enriched and the enrichment doesn't stop with just the kids..does it ? ;P
Snap shot of what happened -