Sunday, July 31, 2011

31st JULY 2011- RKM

Alright then! We are up and running with awesome highs and tons of learning from the last year. Speaking of last year, our center Ramakrishna Mission recorded the best ever score in the 10th grade in the whole of RKM history. WOOOOOHOO! It goes without saying that we Dronas had a huge impact on the kids. Thumbs up, people! :D
We had an amazing Drona turnout today, with activities that kept them on their toes! ;) The GA team as usual brought in amazing activities, and the kids as usual surprised us all with their abundance of skills, something that gets us wide eyed every single time!
Let's head to the activities themselves. The first one involved pairing up the children. Each child sat with his back against that of his partner. One child was given an image made of basic geometric shapes arranged in a specific form. The rules were simple: the child with the image should instruct his partner, guiding him to reproduce the image on another piece of paper. Sounds easy? Hell no, it wasn't! Although the shapes were simple and all the kids had to do was use words to indicate what to draw and where, it boiled down to the mutual trust between partners and the ability to process and respond to clear/unclear explanations. It was the duty of the ‘instructor child’ to make sure his partner listened well and arrived at the image. Concentration, trust, listening skills and instant adaptability were the skills targeted and, hey, we did succeed! The kids loved it, and we loved it, and now the story ends with everyone living happily ever after. :P Uh huh? We Dronas don’t settle for less do we? We didn't stop there...
We moved right on to yet another activity brought up by ‘Superman Srinivas’. This involved pairs of children lifting sticks. The catch? A child could use just one finger. And the fingers of both the children in a pair should be separated by no more than 3 inches of space. Pretty apparent even if I don’t say it - the kids nailed it! :D
Now came the best session of the day. It was  S.T.O.R.Y. .T.I.M.E! :P Bhawana brought us all a treat. It was a cartoon that showed us that everyone is a true king and that to be a true king you need to be a true human.
P.S : The people who attended the session today know exactly what “the best session of the day” meant! :D We all have to thank Bhawana for this. :P
All said and done, the kids enjoyed it. And that's all that matters!